Monday, October 16, 2006

Note to experts in various fields: Please use credible sources, as there will always be someone that knows where you swiped your information from

In the book publishing community, specifically the self-publishing sector, Dan Poynter is considered a bit of an expert as the author of The Self-Publishing Manual. I take issue with the fact of him using biased resources for his information. In his free "Publishing Poynters Newsletter" from October 15, 2006 he list the following under ParaResources:

1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Bill O'Reilly
3. Don Imus
4. Michael Savage
5. Sean Hannity
6. Laura Ingraham
7. Glenn Beck
8. Dr. Laura Schlessinger
9. Neal Boortz
10. Al Franken
11. Mike Gallagher
12. Mancow
13. Howard Stern
14. Bill Bennett
15. Opie and Anthony
16. Ed Schultz
17. Michael Medved
18. Randi Rhodes
19. Jim Bohannon
20. G. Gordon Liddy
21. Diane Rehm
22. Larry Elder
23. Michael Reagan
24. Tammy Bruce
25. Tom Leykis

What he doesn't do is footnote where he got this list of the "top 25 radio talk show hosts." I saw this list printed in the conservative, Republican-leaning "magazine" by the name of "NewsMax." I hardly think they are an authority to be quoted. It's possible that they got the information elsewhere, but I do not remember reading that the rankings came from an independent, unbiased source. At least he didn't charge anyone for this tripe.

file under: credibility - an endangered species

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