Thursday, November 20, 2008

Self-massage treatment constipation

So there are a lot of people out there that seem to have some problems when it comes to going number two in the bathroom. At least I suspect that has to be the case considering how there are all sorts of different over the counter types of meds and treatments and such to help people out with that whole constipation thing. Well, it seems that even the Chinese have the ole problem going number two in the bathroom problem as well. And the Chinese are clever and have all sorts of interesting ancient Chinese treatments and such. And well, there is a Chinese treatment for not being able to go number two in the bathroom when you need to. Are you ready to know what this miracle Chinese cure for not being able to go number two in the bathroom is? Well here it is - Self-massage treatment constipation. Yes that is correct - the Chinese way is to solve that whole can't go number two in the bathroom problem with self massage to treat your own problems. And before your mind starts wondering to places that it is not supposed to be let me stop you right there. The self massage is not on the part of the body that you might think it is! In fact, the technique is described, even with photos, on the link that I posted above. And the way that it works is kind of like you are massaging pressure points that have an effect on the whole not being able to go number two in the bathroom. And it seems like this whole thing is on the up and up. So why not at least give it a try if you are having the problem of not being able to go number two in the bathroom. Who knows, it just might work and that will make you feel a whole heck of a lot better! So be sure to try it out today!

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