Friday, April 03, 2009

a new corporate hospitality blog

Do you work in a company that likes to do big rewards for employees? I am talking about big rewards like a trip some place to see something cool and unique and maybe even pretty fancy. If that is the kind of thing that your company is into or is interested in then you need to know about thg worldwide. You see, THG Worldwide is a company that specializes in corporate hospitality events and sport marketing. Say you wanted to take your team to the Chinese Grand Prix, well THG Worldwide can make that happen for you with a corporate package. THG Worldwide just recently launched a blog on their site so that you can keep up to date on the types of cool events that they are offering to companies just like yours. THG Worldwide is run by CEO Jon Stromberg and GM Paul Meakins. So those are the people that you have to thank for THG Worldwide offering up such awesome events for your company to be a part of. So why not head on over to the THG Worldwide website today and check out their new blog now. Your employees will be glad that you did! So have a look today!

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