Thursday, July 06, 2006

AOL throws its hands up in the air and shrugs

Let’s see, according to the Washington Post, AOL stated that it lost 850,000 customers in the first quarter of the year. So, they put their heads together and came up with a brilliant plan. Wait for it…..wait for it….*drumroll*....offer free high speed internet! Yeah! Yeah! Wait…no…wait, no, hells no! What kind of sense does that make? Do they not realize what is driving away their customers? It’s not the price of service asswipes. It is your shitty McShitty™ software. I know, because I’m one of the poor bastards that use it.

Now, listen up AOL, here’s whatcha need to do…get some software that doesn’t lock up and then tell the user that the ‘system is not responding,’ which results in AOL having to restart. That can really put a cramp in your cybering. And what about that AOL Spyware Protection? It never fails that it wants to scan my system when I want to surf the net or check my email. That is so not convenient. Speaking of email, why oh why do I lose my unread mail after 30 days when the hacks that use email can store their old mail? The default for AOL should be unlimited mail storage, you stingy bastards. (Reason #1 why I am transitioning to Gmail for my email needs.) And let us not forget that AOL also wants to manage my router for me. AOL is like that bossy kid that sits in the front of the class licking the teacher’s ass and telling everyone what to do. Here’s a memo you may have missed AOL…no one likes the bossy kid!!

File under: Bad Business

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