Friday, July 07, 2006

Bono wants answers, and he wants them now, dammit!

Too bad a bunch of assclowns are replying. Like this little nugget:

You can reduce it and help millons of peolple but you cant make it story.Why ?? The answer is your question: that was asked all over the story of time.

What does that mean exactly? You cant make it story? story? Hrm, I dunno. And here’s a good one:

It's just "one" simple thing, but powerful: pray!

Well, golly gee, it’s just that easy now is it?

Interesting hypocrisy jab here:

Maybe rich white singers in far off lands should sell their mansions, limos, and clothes, get off their narcissistic trip and give it all to the poor. Hard to believe people like that bono guy live in a million dollar mansion and has the gaul to lecture all of us about poverty. People like him and Paul Simon are white-guilters who want attention. When these people sell their mansions and go live here (see link) then I will donate a few bucks. Otherwise, it's do as I say, not as I do, hypocrisy!

And my fave post so far, yay socialism:

Make rich liberals give up their material goods in the name of socialism which they are always beating us over the heads with. How is it possible that rich whiney liberals live in the same city as extremely poor people? Am I the only one who understands this contradiction? Problem solved.

Send Bono your thoughts here.

File under: poverty, hypocrisy?

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