Monday, August 07, 2006

Oh sweet jesus, a cure for the ignorant!

I was just posting earlier about the smarts those Germans have...first they give a shout out to human rights and now this.

An anti-stupid pill. Oh bless those funny talking German bastards!

How can I get a PR job with the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin? I'd love to have an arsenal of those babies to pass out on the street. Or on the road! Someone trying to get in my lane...while I'm in it....I could pull out a pea shooter and hit 'em with a lil dose of 'no more stupid.' Or for those days I know the ones....when you have no have to do have to go to the Wal-Mart. (insert scary music here) That's where all the stupids congregate. I think they meet up there to have little contests...see who can out-stupid who. For Wal-Mart I'd have to grind up my little nuggets of no-more-stupid into a fine powder that I could drop into the sprinkler system and rain down no-more-stupid on all the stupids. Ah, the dream. It's good. It's real damn good.

File under: hope for humanity

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