Monday, December 18, 2006


  1. Judith Regan, who must have some sort of chemical imbalance for publishing that hideous OJ Simpson book, was just fired from her cushy job.
  2. My department has over $800,000 to capitalize by March 31, 2007 and one of my co-workers quit today, Travis the Hobbit left earlier for a job interview (his 3rd in the past 2 weeks) and I plan on fleeing mid-January. muah haha
  3. Nissan had a special employee car salon a couple of weeks ago and unveiled their newest model to some of us, the Nissan Rogue, which is a hideous looking beast of a vehicle. It's a cross between the Murano and the Versa - but all the ugly parts of those cars. The Nissan Rogue didn't just get hit by the ugly truck, it IS the ugly truck!

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