Thursday, July 06, 2006

This just in...Star Jones has fans! I know, I'm as shocked as you are.

According to an article over at ShowbizData, several thousand visitors to the Star Jones site want to contact ABC about her firing. Now, the article gives the impression that these 'several thousand visitors' are outraged and want to contact ABC execs to berate them...but it doesn't actually say that.

My hypothesis -- thankful viewers want to let ABC know how excited they are to see her outta there! Yeh, I knew she didn't really have any fans...besides those plastic surgeons, et al...if you, too, would like to thank them, the contact info is apparently on her site, but enter at your own risk. godspeed

File under: sneaky TV stars and their blasted tomfoolery!, aka I'm talking to you Star Jones!

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