Friday, July 07, 2006

Today's lesson: K is for stupid

At taco bell ordering some grease-soaked tacos and all of a sudden the girl working the register goes 'did you go see Carrot Top?' And I'm trying to order so I'm looking around trying to figure out who the hell she is talking to, if she has tourette's or what. And then she looks up at me and goes 'did you go see Carrot Top?' and I look at her like wtf? and she goes 'Your shirt, it says K is for Carrot Top' and I'm like 'no, it doesn't, it says karate chop!' wtf?

Since when is K for Carrot Top? So not only can she not spell for shit, but she can't read! She thinks carrot starts with a 'k'...a 'k!'... a 'K' ferchrissakes!

File under: ignorance, way to go 'no child left behind'

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