Monday, May 19, 2008

What about a stateless society?

You know, there are a lot of things about the world that are both confusing and just plain hard to understand. And government is one of those things. There is a site about there called Free of State that wants us to think about things like a Stateless Society. What would be so hard about having thoughts of things like alternative government, no government, and alternative currency ideas. In fact, this Free of State site asks what about a world with no war and no enemy. Man, what a world that would be! I am all for that, so put me on that list ASAP. This is certainly an interesting concept. They describe a stateless society as a being a society that is need based as opposed to greed based. It is certainly something that is interesting and sounds a bit like utopia. Before you pass any type of judgment on this type of idea you should really check out the Free of State website and read what they are all about. And get a really good feel for their ideas. And then ask your self what would be so bad about a world with no enemy and no war?

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