Saturday, December 01, 2007

How Much Nutella can one Au Pair Eat?

Are you interested in being an Au Pair or in getting an Au Pair to come to your home for your kids? Well if you are looking for info on Au Pair Live-in Childcare | AuPairCare then the place that you need to go to is Au Pair Care at

You will find that Au Pair Care is actually a national au pair agency for live-in childcare. Au Pair Care is actually the leading au pair agency that provides dependable, live-in au pair childcare here in the United States. They have been an Department of State Regulated au pair agency since 1989 and have placed over 30,000 au pairs since that time.

You can get surprisingly affordable live-in childcare through Au Pair Care. Costs are at about $300/week for 45hrs of live-in childcare, which I think is actually a pretty good price because it is less than you might first expect.

The au pairs that you can get from Au Pair Care come from about 40 different countries, which means that your child will get the amazing opportunity to be exposed to someone from another country. And when you are ready to look for an au pair you do so using their online matching system similar to for viewing and searching au pair profiles.

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